Transportmanagement in der schnelldrehenden Konsumgüterindustrie
Entwicklung eines Gestaltungsansatzes zur Integration von Transport und Logistik

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2016
The dissertation is based on practical challenges in the fast moving consumer goods industry: Especially customer-oriented distribution levels show a massive demand for high delivery frequencies and high availability of a wide range of products which results in an increased need for innovative logistics concepts. A total of 23 solutions from six design levels are presented in terms of their contribution to the integration of transport and logistics. These include strengthening inter-enterprise cooperation, creating a process-oriented internal organization, design of contracts within integrated transport planning, the use of technology, the promotion of customer and process orientation of transport service providers and the creation of interfaces to governmental policy making.
The implementation of the solutions is taking into account the feasibility and practical relevance and is illustrated with the aid of the SCOR process reference model. The aggregated results are integrated into a cross-stakeholder frame work, which application leads to an increase in efficiency of logistics activities and provides a systematization of solutions as a novel scientific contribution.