Dresden commoning – Städtebau für kollektive Stadtproduktion
Editor: Angela Million, Zuzana Tabačková, Felix Bentlin

Format: 23,0 x 31,5 cm
Publishing year: 2019
As part of the Johannes Göderitz Competition 2019, students from six German planning faculties were invited to develop alternatives to existing plans for an important development area extending along the river Elbe in the Dresden city centre. This historic area, with the Leipziger Station, and the Neustädter Harbour, offer an eye-catching backdrop below the bridge archs of the Marienbrücke – not far from the world-famous Canaletto view. The aim of the competition is to offer Dresdeners a wealth of future planning scenarios. Based on a variety of analyses and urban designs, the projects present ideas for different commoning spaces and suggest collective forms of living, working, learning and culture. In terms of programme and urban development, the designs are intended to contribute to the debate on urban commons and strengthen a collective perspective on urban growth.