Stadtökonomie – Blickwinkel und Perspektiven | Perspectives on urban economics
Ein Gemischtwarenladen : eine kleine Buchführung für den Ladeninhaber Dietrich Henckel | a general merchandise store : a brief overview of the accounts for the shopkeeper Dietrich Henckel
Editor: Josiane Meier, Ricarda Pätzold, Susanne Thomaier, Anja Besecke

Size: 247 pages
Format: 20,0 x 26,0 cm
Publishing year: 2017
Format: 20,0 x 26,0 cm
Publishing year: 2017
Reihe: Sonderpublikation des Instituts für Stadt- und Regionalplanung der Technischen Universität Berlin
ISBN 978-3-7983-2918-8
22,50 €
„Economics is not about money“. This bon mot also applies to urban and regional economics, which look well beyond the relation between merely space and money. Rather, interdependencies between spatial development processes on the one hand, and decisions about limited resources on the other hand, are given centre stage. This includes questions regarding policies and practices of land use, spatial manifestations of economic structural change, the functioning of submarkets (housing,industry,trade or leisure), the real estate industry or the interplay between changes to temporal and spatial structures. This volume offers a broad palette of perspectives on the multi-layered field of urban and regional economics. It reflects both current and timeless debates and equally addresses readers from the scientific community and the interested public. As such, it pays tribute to Prof. Dr. Dietrich Henckel, who held the Chair of Urban and Regional Economics at TU Berlin’s Institute of Urban and Regional Planning from 2004 to 2017, and contributed passionately to a wide range of discourses. By bringing together many of his academic companions from the many different contexts of his work, the volume reflects Dietrich Henckel’s broad spectrum of interests and activities. As a “general merchandise store” of urban and regional economics, it presents a colourful array of short contributions that provide insights into a diversity of topics, methods and interpretations.