Das Ende der Behutsamkeit? Beiträge aus Lehre und Forschung an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen
Editor: Roland Kunze, Gisela Schmitt, Dirk Schubert, Uwe Altrock, Arbeitskreis Stadterneuerung an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen

Format: 17,0 x 24,0 cm
Publishing year: 2013
The need to discuss and reflect existing paradigms of urban renewal is driven by the fact that cities are facing a plurality of different problems within very heterogeneous spatial contexts, and new challenges like the energy efficient redesign of the built environment. The contrary situations of German cities reflect the diversity of challenges associated with urban renewal: Many cities in eastern Germany are confronted with vacancies in housing estates whereas other metropolitan regions in Germany have to deal with upgrading processes and shortages in housing. Thus, facilitating social inclusion, participation and sustainability in urban renewal within different spatial settings are major topics in this issue. Besides, the issue includes contributions on the history and practice of urban renewal in foreign countries and the role of urban renewal in research and education. Contributors are: Uwe Altrock, Hannah Baltes, Adam Bartoszek, Fabian Beran, Matthias Bernt, Julia Drittenpreis, Martin Düchs, Susanne Dürr, Daphne Rebecca Frank, Katrin Großmann, Annegret Haase, Anna Juliane Heinrich, Martin Hölscher, Petra Jähnke, Sigrun Kabisch, Arvid Krüger, Ronald Kunze, Holger Leimbrock, Michael Locher, Gerhard Mahnken, Anja B. Nelle, Elsbieta Niezabytowska, Heike Oevermann, Christian von Oppen, Hana Riemer, Semâ Sahin, J. Alexander Schmidt, Holger Schmidt, Gisela Schmitt, Achim Schröer, Hildegard Schröteler-von Brandt, Dirk Schubert, Christina Simon-Philipp, Eric Tenz, Angela Uttke, Jutta Vorkoeper, Theo Winters.