Ernährungssystemplanung in Deutschland
Eine qualitative Spurensuche in der deutschen Planung

Publishing year: 2017
The publication deals with the instrument of food system planning, which is practiced for more than 20 years in international urban planning contexts. The German translation used in the publication is Ernährungssystemplanung. The aim is to introduce the food system to understand urban development processes form another perspective and to transfer the tool of food system planning into the German planning system. The work focuses on the identification of factors that promote or inhibit the implementation of food system planning into German planning practice. Additionally, it will be pointed out how urban planning can support the implementation of food system planning in Germany. The work is divided into four parts: basics, examination and analysis and a conclusion. The basic chapter introduces und explains the central concepts of the publication: food system and food system planning. Examination and analysis are the main parts of the publication and develop the basis to the answer the research questions. Therefore, eight semi-structured expert interviews have been conducted and analyzed. The detailed procedure for data collection and evaluation is also presented in the publication. The publication finally connects the knowledge about food system planning as a contribution to sustainable urban development with the expert knowledge. The perspectives are contextualized in two ways: Firstly, the results for the case of Germany are compared with the beginning of the discussion about food system planning in the US in the 1990s. A second contextualization takes the self-image of the urban planning discipline into consideration and reflects on its current and future contributions and challenges to a sustainable development of cities and urban regions.