Ländliche Gartenkultur an den Verwaltungssitzen im Kurfürstentum/Königreich Hannover

Format: 20,4 x 23,5 cm
Publishing year: 2016
Asparagus beds, hop poles, peach trellises, arbours and apple trees – many apple trees – were counted when a bailiff took the bailiffs estate with attached gardens from his predecessor. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the bailiffs were the lower administrative authorities in the Electorate and Kingdom of Hanover and they represented the sovereign in every corner of the country. The gardens of these estates are still an unexplored field of rural garden culture.
At the chair of heritage conservation, Berlin University of Technology, the “Amtshausgärten” were deeply explored in a multi-year research project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. This book provides insights into these gardens on the basis of a choice of bailiffs estates. Furthermore it tells about possibilities and limits of the gardens” creation and maintenance as well as about their characteristics and peculiarities concerning structure and design.