Myra Warhaftig – Architektin und Bauforscherin
Wissenschaftliches Symposium in Erinnerung an die Architektin und Bauforscherin Myra Warhaftig (1930–2008) 17.–18. Mai 2018 in Berlin
Editor: Günter Schlusche, Ines Sonder, Sarah Gretsch

Format: 21,0 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2020
Myra Warhaftig was a remarkable architect and researcher, whose buildings and publications have achieved and still achieve great success, and whose research will continue into the future. She is responsible for advancing a very unique and important approach to architecture, namely, floor plan research, the improvement and optimization of the floor plan for the emancipation of women and the reorganization of family life. Her second focus was on historical building research. Through her work and research, many Jewish architects who were persecuted, disenfranchised, discriminated against, expelled, deported and murdered by the Nazis were saved from being forgotten and rehabilitated. This publication documents the results of the symposium “Myra Warhaftig Architect and Architectural Researcher”, which was carried out by the Society for Research into the Life and Work of German-speaking Jewish Architects from May 17 to 18, 2018 at the Institute for Architecture at the Technical University of Berlin.