Cloud- und Open Source-basierte Integrationsplattformen
Marktumfeld, Geschäftsmodelle und Governancestrukturen aus der Sicht kleiner und mittelständischer Unternehmen : 2., überarbeitete Auflage
Editor: Rüdiger Zarnekow

Publishing year: 2019
The digitalization of the German “Mittelstand” has been on the move regardless of whether companies lack the basic components of the modern infrastructure or are not able to utilize them to their necessary extent (e.g. an own web page, CRM- or ERP-systems). As a result of these evolving companies various IT-systems have been obtained, which are often not able to intercommunicate and are ultimately represent as isolated solutions. In parallel, the coming about of Cloud Computing facilitated the quick and simple usage of new solutions and in turn resulted in benefiting the entire IT landscape. However, the integration of Cloud Services in conjunction with existing on-premise solutions constitutes a central challenge for small and medium enterprises (SME). Consequently, the Open Integration Hub (OIH), a BMWi funded project, has actively tackled this challenge.
Based on the scope of research article at hand, this paper will present the results of two theses that draw on the topic of governance as well as business models for existing Open Source Integration Platforms as a Service (IPaaS) and its representation in current literature. In order to answer the question of how best practices for governance and business model for an IPaaS vendors such as the OIH could look like, the results will be exhibited through means of business model canvases, briefings, comparison tables, and business blue prints.
In the scope of the research article in hand the results of 2 theses will be summarized, that draws on the topic of governance as well as business models for existing Open Source Integration Platforms as a Service (IPaaS) and its representation in current literature. The results will be presented in the mean of business model canvases, briefings, comparison tables and business blue prints. That answers the question how the best practice governance and business model of an IPaaS vendors, like the OIH, could look like.