Immobilienökonomische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Städtebauförderung auf die Angebotsmiete – am Beispiel des entlassenen sozialen Erhaltungsgebiets Stephankiez in Berlin-Moabit

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2020
The present research examines the impact of urban development programs on the development of asking rents for dwellings, also taking into account the influence of external effects. The former social conservation area in Berlin-Moabit serves as an example. The announced aim is to develop answers for three basic research questions: Firstly, how is the supply rent in Stephankiez changing after it’s dismissal as a social conservation area? Secondly, is there an observable effect on asking rent level out of political and socio-economic framework conditions? And finally, do urban development programs have a measurable impact on asking rents in Stephankiez? As a result of the investigation, three theses can be formulated: Firstly, urban development programs often create further demand, but hardly any additional supply, therefore having a price-enhancing character. Secondly, the government combats itself and invests on both sides of the coin: rent damping and revaluation. Finally, subsidies from urban development programs encourage gentrification processes which would probably eclipse without external influence.