Spatial Commons. Die Nachbarschaft und ihre Gewerberäume als sozial-räumliches Gemeingut
Editor: Dagmar Pelger, Nada Bretfeld, Anna Heilgemeir, Jörg Stollmann

Format: 24,0 x 32,0 cm
Publishing year: 2020
The so-called Wrangelkiez in Kreuzberg is one of Berlin”s districts most threatened by gentrification, but at the same time it is one of the most resistant neighbourhoods in the city. In this publication, this urban neighbourhood is considered from the perspective of the commons and the processes of (dis-)commoning. This is done from three perspectives: planning, community work and education. In this publication, conceived as educational material and research documentation at the same time, the neighbourhood is examined for its potential for the re/production of social-spatial relationships, but also in relation to the risks of the siphoning off of “goods” produced by and in the neighbourhood: What is the relationship between the spaces of the neighbourhood, its social structure, and the daily actions that connect both? By what means is urban space as a place of interaction and participation jointly created and maintained? Which planned or unplanned processes have an influence on the spatial structure as well as on the everyday life of the residents and users? Who makes use of the collectively generated values in the space or to whom are they made available? The publication was developed through further processing of the results of the research and mapping seminar “Spatial Commons. Hin und weg vom Kiez” conducted in the summer semester 2017 and on the basis and of the results of a “symposium on the importance of commercial spaces as places of community life for the neighbourhood” in November 2018.