Pathway of digital transformation in logistics
best practice concepts and future developments
Editor: Frank Straube

Format: 21,0 x 29,7 cm
Publishing year: 2019
The research study “Pathway of Digital Transformation in Logistics” deals with today’s logistics challenges, which are increasing speed and the integration of real-time information for data-driven services, implementing new organizational and leadership structures as well as the need for finding approaches for cooperation with new actors such as start-ups or tech companies. Therefore, the study examines four thematic building blocks central to current developments in logistics: technologies, including platforms, and data-driven services as tools and leadership and organization, as well as open innovation as enablers. The research approach is twofold. First, we investigate the four topics by means of an online questionnaire answered by 120 international participants. Second, a Delphi workshop with 32 logistics experts from industry and LSP reveals further evaluations of success factors and barriers for future developments in logistics. The study describes findings how companies move forward on the path of digital transformation towards smart logistics by presenting and discussing best practice concepts and future developments in logistics.