Editor: Matthias Ballestrem, Philipp Misselwitz, Ralf Pasel

Format: 17,0 x 24,0 cm
Publishing year: 2016
The Heinrich‐Böll‐Foundation would like to expand their location in Berlin‐Mitte with new contemporary office space. Thereby should the political‐cultural and the public active side of the foundation work become strengthened. Besides the new office space there are planned several multifunctional spaces for public political education. Those spaces should not only be used for exhibition or presentation spaces, but for studios or project spaces as well. The assumptions and values of the Heinrich‐Böll‐Foundation should be reflected in the building: World openness, transparency, ecology and sustainability. The aim of the student competition was to initiate a wide range of ideas. To develop an internal and public discussion, about the extension and its importance in the urban context.