Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz 2015
Proceedings der Tagung "Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz 2015" am 07. und 08. Mai 2015 am IT-Service-Center (tubIT) der Technischen Universität Berlin
Editor: Thomas Hildmann, Odej Kao

Size: 90 pages
Format: 21,0 x 29,7 cm
Publishing year: 2016
ISBN 978-3-7983-2780-1Format: 21,0 x 29,7 cm
Publishing year: 2016
15,50 €
In 2015 the second conference „Cloud Storage Deployment in Academics“ took place. Interest regarding this issue was again high and topics established in 2014 like data security and scalability were complemented by new ones like federations or technical integration in existing infrastructures. This is caused by the advances in the establishment of cloud-based storage systems. This publication contains the contributions of the conference „Cloud Storage Deployment in Academics 2015“, which took place in may 2015 at TU Berlin.