Internationale Berufspädagogik
Beiträge einer Theorie zum internationalen Berufsbildungstransfer

Publishing year: 2015
The publication is a collection of articles, discussion papers and contribution to anthologies which the author rearranges to present some international perspective of technical and vocational Education in a broad range. Base of the collection is the former and current practical and scientific work in the field of international TVET cooperation. Starting with a retrospective of the history of the German Academic discipline “Berufspädagogik” the author deploy three more internationally coherent perspective of the German “Berufspädagogik”. First he claims for a more theoretical grounding of the Technical and Vocational Education to drive the views towards pedagogy of employment. Secondly in combination with the larger theoretical assumption as vocation can be, to open to a better understanding how a given society will organise its societal obligation to reproduce their workforce and labour. Third the author formulate the obligation to develop more as before a methodology of a multi- level-comparison to come to a deeper understanding of foreign labour and employment regulations to facilitate an internationalisation of the German TVET education.