Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering Untapped Resources
Proceedings of the International Conference; April 10th to 12th, 2014; University of Berkeley
Editor: Daniel Kammen, Noara Kebir, Daniel Philipp, Martina Schäfer

Publishing year: 2015
This volume centers on the idea that innovative approaches for energy access can work with previously underutilized or unrecognized resources, as this may lead to circumstances for the development of successful and sustainable energy programs. Such untapped resources may be seen in the discovering of synergies in areas such as pre-existing service infrastructures, supply chain and value chain management, natural resource availability, financing schemes, and leap frog technologies. Additionally, decentralized approaches can contribute to climate change adaptation measures and increase resiliency for vulnerable communities. Of course small-scale solutions have clear limitations in regard to global climate, and it is important to consider how far they can extend and aggregate impact. This book assembles a selection of articles, collected from the 2014 Energy Access Conference at UC Berkeley, aiming to consider technical, financial, human, institutional, and natural resource capital.