Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply
Proceedings of the International Conference, Technische Universität Berlin, 28th of February till 1st of March 2013
Editor: Noara Kebir, Daniel Philipp, Martina Schäfer

Size: 140 pages
Publishing year: 2013
ISBN 978-3-7983-2500-5Publishing year: 2013
“The Proceedings include the scientific papers of the International Conference “”Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply””, which took place from 27th of February till 1st of March at Technische Universität Berlin. The Conference dealt with questions of decentralized energy supply with a focus on users needs. The papers present research regarding the technical design, financing, quality management and user friendliness of different microenergy systems as well as different business models and questions of sustainability assessment. Exemplary technologies that are dealt with are biogas, biofuels, solar systems, storing devices and hybrid systems.”