G-IQI – German Inpatient Quality Indicators. Version 4.0 – Band 3, 2. Auflage
Erläuterungen und Definitionshandbuch für das Datenjahr 2013

Publishing year: 2013
This book presents the fourth revision and extension of the German Inpatient Quality Indicators (G-IQI). By concept and definition these indicators are constructed in a way that they can be derived from existing administrative data. In Germany, these are available due to the DRG billing process, which covers all inpatient cases except psychiatry. Data are available on the hospital level, at insurers and due to respective legal regulations on the national level (data sets according to §21 KHEntgG and §301 SGB V). G-IQI give a comprehensive and medically meaningful overview over important and/or frequent inpatient services. They inform about volume and wherever possible about outcome. Besides the user guide and technical specifications this volume also presents an evaluation of the German national DRG data for all G-IQI indicators. According to this evaluation the G-IQI indicators cover about 42% of all German inpatient cases, which is more than in all other disease-specific indicator systems. The mortality indicators cover more than 51% of all inpatient deaths. Furthermore, national reference values and inpatient volumes can be given for all G-IQI indicators (listed in ‘Anhang 1’ of this volume). This provides new information about the state of medical care for many diseases in Germany, which otherwise is not available on a national level. Volume 2 will present additional, more detailed evaluations. Indicator systems like G-IQI may be used for public reporting. In this way G-IQI is currently utilized voluntarily in Germany by the ‘Initiative Qualitätsmedizin’ and obligatory in Switzerland (via the Swiss variant CH-IQI) for all hospitals by the ‘Bundesamt für Gesundheit’. Furthermore, deviations of outcome from national reference values for certain quality indicators within a hospital may be used to induce further investigations of treatment processes within the hospital in order to find ways for improvement. G-IQI together with internal peer review procedures can be used to build up a very efficient and powerful outcome-driven quality management system within a hospital. This volume also outlines how such a system can be set up. The second edition of volume 3 of G-IQI Version 4.0 as presented here is a combination of the user guide contained in the previously published volume 1 and the technical definition for the data year 2013 as previously published in the first edition of volume 3. Some minor errors have been corrected.