Blendung durch Kfz-Scheinwerfer im nächtlichen Straßenverkehr
Ein Review bis 2006 – Beschreibung, Maßzahlen, Bewertungsmethoden

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
One of the most common causes for traffic accidents during night-time is the restricted vision and ability of recognition. Besides an extensive literature research, long-time test series in the laboratory respectively in a light channel as well as at real traffic areas are the basis of this book. Target is an exact clarification of the complex relationships, which were surveyed within worldwide elaborated research activities until today. This includes not only technical parameters like size and luminance of the headlamps of crossing vehicles, but also the various survey methods for physiological and psychological glare with all their specific pros and cons. Considered are all accessible investigations until 2006. Even though the technology of headlamps has changed completely, the, partially new, findings and analyses have not yet been published. Therefore, the presented work is of special interest for all persons involved in traffic respectively vehicle lighting technology, as well as for students of relevant disciplines. The material could help to prevent traffic accidents.