Brücken bauen – 100 Jahre Gesellschaft von Freunden der Technischen Universität Berlin
Im Auftrag der Gesellschaft von Freunden herausgegeben von Dr. Kristina Zerges
Editor: Kristina Zerges

Size: 128 pages
Format: 23,5 x 28,0 cm
Publishing year: 2022
ISBN 978-3-7983-3289-8Format: 23,5 x 28,0 cm
Publishing year: 2022
The Society of Friends of the Technische Hochschule Berlin was established 100 years ago during the most difficult economic conditions. The publication charts its development from then up until modern times. The first chapters are dedicated to the period following World War I, the era of inflation, its survival under the Nazi regime and finally its re-founding after 1945. The articles are set against the background of political developments in Germany as well as the development of the German higher education landscape. The publication thus makes an important contribution not only to the history of the Society of Friends but also the history of TU Berlin.
The second part of the publication describes the emergence of the Society of Friends after 1945 and the development of strategic projects to support science and industry as well as TU Berlin. It concludes with a selection of projects demonstrating the funding work of the Society of Friends.