Kiez-Logistik für die letzte Meile. Das Reallabor Distribute
Editor: Elke Pahl-Weber, Jan Kratzer, Frank Straube, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß

Format: 17,0 x 24,0 cm
Publishing year: 2020
Distribute was a project from 2017 to 2020 to test possible uses for
electric cargo bikes in two inner-city districts of Berlin,
Klausenerplatz-Kiez and Mierendorff-Insel. The aim of the project was to
replace transports by car and delivery van with electrically operated
cargo bicycles and thus relieve traffic in the neighborhoods. The
project was carried out by numerous partners from science, community and
business and tested both cargo bike rental and cargo bike deliveries on
the last mile in a living laboratory. Actors from the neighborhoods
should contribute their ideas and experiences right from the start and
develop optimized usage options for cargo bikes in co-creation formats.