Navigating international supply chains
A case study collection
Editor: Frank Straube

Format: 21,0 x 29,7 cm
Publishing year: 2019
Future logistics managers will face a multitude of complex tasks and they will be required to develop efficient management concepts at short notice. University teaching – as well as further education – has the ability to prepare those logistics managers for future tasks by enabling them to transfer theoretical knowledge to practical problems. To contribute to more practice-oriented teaching approaches, the Competence Center for International Logistics Networks at the Chair of Logistics at Berlin University of Technology conducted 10 on-site case studies at leading manufacturing companies in the consumer goods, automotive, and machinery industries, as well as at logistics service providers.
This case collection covers a wide range of topics such as supply chain transparency, lead time management, network planning, volatile customer demand, risk management, behavioral management, organizational alignment and many others. TO provide assistance for instructors that seek to apply those cases in class, guiding questions are also provided.