Investigations on the current and future use of radio frequency allocations for small satellite operations

Format: 17,0 x 24,0 cm
Publishing year: 2019
Global radio frequency spectrum use for satellite communication is a present-day challenge that has been aggravated by the increased launch of small satellites during the past 15 years. This thesis aims to examine both regulatory and technical aspects of spectrum use. The focus of this examination is on frequency bands that are commonly used by small satellites and on those bands that might be applicable for future use. The thesis content is subdivided into three parts. The first part presents the needed background on small satellites as well as the regulatory environment for small satellites. The second part gives insight into the results of a theoretical assessment of current and future small satellite allocations. The third part depicts two concepts for on-orbit spectrum analysis applications which allow the analysis of the problem from the technical side, including first flight results.
After studying this work, the reader shall be able to understand regulatory procedures for frequency coordination and to acknowledge challenges for both satellite developers and responsible administrations. The presented hardware implementations for spectrum analysis shall serve as a tool for improved frequency coordination in the near future.