Test bench design for power measurement of inverter-operated machines in the medium voltage range

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2018
This thesis gives an overview of test bench design for inverter operated Medium Voltage (MV) drives with the focus on the active power measurement. The sources of measurement setup uncertainty are analysed and methods are shown to assess these uncertainties. Further, a possibility is shown to do quantitative uncertainty estimations which are verified with measurements through different measurement setups for MV drives operated with multilevel converters. The influence of measurement transducers, voltage dividers, power meters and data acquisition boards are considered. The digital signal processing is analysed and the possibilities to reduce its uncertainty contribution on an active power measurement is shown. An analysis is made with the conventional measurement devices in the MV-range. The transfer behaviour of the devices and the characteristics of the uncertainty are investigated. Measurements are done on typical medium voltage drives with an uncertainty analysis, which shows the essential aspects of active power measurement. The results show the significance of a measurement setup performance. The investigations on the drives are used to indicate the impact on the determination of the drive efficiency and gives a significant input for further standardisation processes. The handling of measurement uncertainties during active power measurement of drives is shown concerning the permanent topic of energy saving and its efficient use. The work proposes a way of categorising electrical drives in energy efficiency classes and to make their determination comparable.