Technisch-wirtschaftliche Bewertung des Einsatzes von batterieelektrischen Nutzfahrzeugen in der Distribution von Konsumgütern

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2017
There are rapidly changing demands on the distribution of consumer goods in international trade. These changes are driven by increasing globalization of trade, decreasing product life cycles, urbanization and new technologies. Other trends affecting the distribution chain include the increasing role of e-commerce; an increasing consumer demand for shorter delivery times, flexibility and high quality of goods and services; and the growing awareness of environmental issues among customers. These changes have created a dynamic and complex market environment for companies in the distribution of consumer goods. This PhD thesis describes the development and evaluation of a model to assess the impact of electric vehicle usage on the distribution chain, addressing both technical and economical aspects. The model is then applied to six general cases in three scenarios (years 2015, 2030 I and 2030 II). These case examples are derived from a range of industries, including food, fashion and CEP distribution, and in particular from nine specific companies that were surveyed. Conventional diesel powered vehicles were used as the reference standard for determining the benefits of electric vehicle use. We found that the following factors determine the technical and economic benefits of electric vehicles: payload, acquisition cost for the vehicle, and the importance of environmental sustainability in the value system of the vehicle operating company. This thesis is targeted at economists and managers of companies with large distribution networks who wish to assess the technical and economic implications of using electric vehicles in their distribution networks.