Gedenkschrift zum 130. Geburtstag von Walter Kucharski (20.6.1887–11.11.1958) – Ingenieur, Hochschullehrer, Reformer
Erster Rektor der Technischen Universität Berlin
Editor: Achim Leutz

Publishing year: 2017
This commemorative article published on the occasion of Professor Walter Kucharski ‘s 130th birthday, who was the first Rector (now President) of TU Berlin, consists of two sections. The first part deals with Kucharski’s professional life from a designer in a drawing office to a full professor and Rector of TU Berlin. This is supplemented by a bibliography and further source material. The second part contains the transcript of a manuscript in Kucharski ‘s handwriting written at the third anniversary of TU Berlin summarizing aspects of the new beginning after the war and describing the difficult period before and after Kucharski’s term of office as Rector.