Anthropogene Spurenstoffe und Krankheitserreger im urbanen Wasserkreislauf
Bewertung, Barrieren und Risikokommunikation (ASKURIS)
Editor: Aki Sebastian Ruhl, Martin Jekel

Format: 17,0 x 24,0 cm
Publishing year: 2016
A partially closed water cycle may exist in urban areas, whereby treated municipal wastewater is discharged into surface waters used as a source for the drinking water supply. A number of organic micro-pollutants (OMP) can be found in the different water compartments. In the near future, climatic and demographic changes probably contribute to an increase of OMP in aquatic eco-systems. The occurrence of OMP, possible adverse effects on aquatic organisms and human health and the public perception must be carefully assessed to properly manage and communicate potential risks and to implement advanced treatment options (activated carbon or ozone) at the optimum point within the water cycle. Therefore, the interdisciplinary research project ASKURIS focused on the identification and quantification of OMP, on the toxicological assessment and removal of organic micro-pollutants and antibiotic-resistant pathogens in the Berlin water cycle, on life-cycle based economic and environmental assessments, the public perception and management of potential risks.