Trends in Neuroergonomics
Tagungsband 11. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme ; 7.–9. Oktober 2015, Berlin / 11th Berliner Workshop of Human-Machine Systems Proceedings 7th – 9th October, 2015
Editor: Klaus Gramann, Thorsten Zander, Carolin Wienrich

Publishing year: 2016
In line with our aim to encourage international contributions, we have introduced the concept of the Focus Track to allow for a dedicated track of high impact research presentations on a specific topic in human factors. This year’s Focus Track centered on mobile brain/body imaging and neuroadaptive technology. Here, the focus was on the use of psychophysiological data for Human-Machine Systems. Two invited keynote lectures have provided a deepened insight into this new research area during this Berlin Workshop. Besides the new Focus Track, the well-established mixture of Research-, Workshop-, and Poster Tracks allowed for presentations and lively discussions research projects from all areas of human factors. This conference proceeding comprises all presented papers at the 11th BWMMS.