Spiel/Feld Urbane Landwirtschaft / Playing/Field Urban Agriculture
Ökologische Bildung und praxisorientiertes Entwerfen / ecological education and practice-based design
Editor: Kristian Ritzmann, Katrin Bohn

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2015
Urban agriculture is a topic that is currently finding an increasing number of supporters. For good reason: Despite the progression of urbanisation, it seems to be a human desire to understand our food’s origin and its methods of production as a means of getting closer again to nature and a sustainable future. Playing/Field Urban Agriculture introduces the reader to the creative potential of productive urban landscapes by looking at a case study project – Playing/Field Marzahn – that was supervised by the Department City & Nutrition at the Technical University between 2011 and 2014. In this book, questions concerning the manifold interdependencies of urban agriculture and ecological education will be discussed by those involved in the project and other invited authors. Our goal is to not only show the necessity of such connections, but also to illustrate how they may be practically implemented and become experienceable. This book addresses those who would like to explore the topics of urban agriculture and productive urban landscapes, as well as possible teaching and learning methods for their further expansion.