Policy transfer in technical and vocational education to EgyptBerufsbildungstransfer nach Ägypten
general conditions, concepts and experiences Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Erfahrungen
Editor: Johannes Meyser, Stefan Wolf

Publishing year: 2015
The contributions in this volume give a report of the three-year research and development project (R&D) WEB-TT. The volume is not designed as the project’s final report. Moreover it is designed to illustrate the processes and also experiences all people involved have gained within this period of time. Furthermore it is designed to enable institutions and projects from Egypt, the respective area, and from Germany that were, and still are indirectly involved with the WEB-TT project, conveying their perspective. The R&D project WEBT-TT (Water-Energy-Building – Training and Transfer) was carried out between 2011 and 2014 in Egypt. Sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and in reference to their in 2008 established program of export of vocational education courses, the WEB-TT project is holding a special position. It is the only undertaking among the various approved projects that collaborated directly with a local private company. The goal was the development, testing and marketing of technology-specific vocational education courses in package solutions. These products enable high-quality application of modern resource-efficient buildings technologies as well as power engineering technologies (water and energy) in arid and semiarid countries – especially in Arab countries in the region of West Asia and North Africa. In order to achieve our goals ten partners on the German side were collaborating in a consortium. The contributions in the anthology reflect critically the gained experiences, the obtained results and give room for new perspectives.