Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz
"Proceedings der Tagung ""Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz"" am 05. und 06. Mai 2014 am IT-Service-Center (tubIT) der Technischen Universität Berlin"
Editor: Thomas Hildmann, Odej Kao

Publishing year: 2014
The conception and deployment of cloud-based storage systems in academic institutions are much-debated, current topics, touching on many diverse aspects from data security and privacy to scalability and federated access. The introduction of these services is in different stages among the involved institutions. While some are already operating such services for months or even years, others are in the testing oder implementation stage or are in an evaluation phase. This publication contains the contributions of the conference „Cloud Storage Deployment in Academics“, which took place in may 2014 at TU Berlin.