Gewerbliche Beleuchtung im Wohnquartier – eine unterschätzte nächtliche Belastung?
Ausschnitt aus einer Fallstudie als Diskussionsbeitrag

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2015
This volume outlines core findings of the diploma thesis “Wohnen im Licht – Ab wann wird na?chtliches Licht zur Last?” which was completed at the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning, TU Berlin in 2011/12. The work examines the conflicts between nocturnal lighting practices of local business owners versus residential land uses from the perspective of urban planning. It contains a contemporary case study from a residential neighborhood in the city of Berlin. Based on a survey of all the local businesses and their state of lighting at night time (10pm-6am) the author carried out interviews with different stakeholders. The comparison of the results with data and maps from the survey offers a useful and comprehensive pathway to identify key issues relating to nocturnal lighting emissions.