Autobahn Inhabited Bridges on the Berlin Stadtring A100
Editor: Birgit Klauck

Format: 21,0 x 29,7 cm
Publishing year: 2014
PLACEMAKER is the third in a series of four PLACE studios conducted at ADIP the Architecture Design Innovation Program at the TU Berlin. PLACEMAKER investigats non-places – places of transience that do not hold enough significance to be regarded as places. An architectural object that is placed into a non-place environment must have the ability to create a field of transition and subsequently become an actual destination. Its architectural design and its hybrid-public as well as internal program must become an attraction in order for the original non-place to become a new place. The non-place environment of investigation for this studio was Berlin’s intercity highway – the A100 Stadtautobahn. Four sites were selected based on the diversity of their context and the evident discontinuation of the city fabric inflicted by the highway.