Nachhaltiges Landmanagement, differenzierte Landnutzung und Klimaschutz
Editor: Walter Bückmann, Wolfgang Haber

Publishing year: 2013
Sustainable land management implies conservation or restoration of land, soils and water bodies, together with all natural resources they embrace. Its implementation requires a differentiated land use that takes into account, besides biodiversity, all components of non-living nature like climate, terrain and water as well as landscape structures, with a focus on soil conservation. As such land management will also control greenhouse gas emissions resulting from land use; it is closely connected with climate protection which in its turn is causing large-scale land use changes through the conversion to renewable energies. Linking land management and climate protection within the scope of sustainable development opens the way towards a comprehensive earth-system approach avoiding biased views, allowing improved assessments of time dimensions, and thus will counteract the depletion of the earth’s matter and energy resources.