WPG – Summer School sustainable manufacturing; Abschlussbericht Berlin 2010
Editor: Günther Seliger, Aleksandra Postawa

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
From the 21st to the 28th of July, 2010 the WGP – Summer School has been jointly organized by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger of the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) of the Technische Universität Berlin and Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology (IPK) in Berlin. The aim of the WGP – Summer School in 2010 was the identification of research potentials in the area Sustainable of Manufacturing. With reference on the broadness of Sustainability in ecological, economic and social dimension 30 participants of the Summer School received the chance within the scope of interdisciplinary cooperation to unfold competence, communication ability, creativity, innovation strength and scientific competence in a subject-covering way. In exemplary depth they compiled lasting technical creation attempts in the areas Industrial Automation Technology, Assembly Technology and Factory Management, Industrial Information Technology, Machine Tools and Production Engineering as well as Joining and Coating Technology. Besides, they were supported by a production-academically stimulating programme with excursions and advisers from economy, science and research. So that the interlinking of the participants would be carried to an university-covering cooperation in the same measure, a diverse accompanying programme was provided.