Atmosphären entwerfen
2. Auflage
Editor: Jürgen Weidinger

Format: 16,5 x 23,5 cm
Publishing year: 2019
Cities grow and change. New urban space emerges and existing urban spaces are being changed. We expect from these spaces not only to fulfil important functions, but also to possess particular spatial qualities. How can such qualities be defined and evaluated? Jürgen Weidinger, professor for landscape architecture at the Technische Universität Berlin answers to these questions by engagement with the phenomenon of atmosphere. This way, the spatial quality of urban places, such as parks, promenades and squares, can be augmented. Weidinger offers a method for the designing of atmospheric places. This approach can also serve to evaluate design concepts and realised projects. The reader presents comments by internationally active landscape architects as well as writers from different fields such as environmental psychology, theatre studies, the arts and literature studies.