Nicht zu fassen: Das Extremismuskonzept und neue rechte Konstellationen
"Sammelband zur Konferenz ""Nicht zu fassen: Das Extremismuskonzept und neue rechte Bewegungen"", 9. und 10. Juni 2017, TU Berlin"
Editor: Christoph Gollasch, Kai Padberg, Barbara Dunkel

Publishing year: 2019
“””Extremism”” is a term used in Germany since the 1970s to label so-called enemies of democracy. It implies a concept, which divides the political landscape into a good democratic centre and threatening extremists at the margins. This concept is today firmly anchored in the political culture of the Federal Republic. It is promoted by scholars within the field of research on extremism, by state authorities – above all by the protection of the constitution – as well as by political foundations and parties. Among other things, it is criticized that the concept of extremism is oversimplifying and cannot grasp threats to democracy beyond practices at supposedly extremist margins. In addition, it narrows democracy down to a state-centred form. But despite all criticism, the concept remains in vogue. The conference proceedings thus present various perspectives on the persistence of the concept of extremism and connect them with today’s increase of so-called right-wing populist movements.”