Wissenschaftskulturen im Dialog – Wissenschaftsrezeption und Wissenschaftsmoderation im Zeitalter global verfügbarer Online-Publikationen

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2018
The book focusses on questions about terms of pluri-cultural use of scientific knowledge in the Internet. Cultural imprints which influence scientific cultures in Indonesia and Germany are outlined from an anthropologist point of view as well as from a Foreign Language-didactics perspective. Conditions of reception and requirements of moderation, which occur as result of using internet sources, are pointed out on basis of exemplatory studies of Bachelor-thesis works in literature sciences from Indonesian students as well as supervising correspondences. Aside this, DOAJ-publications from German Studies are studied with respect to their suitability for young academics as recipients. The contribution that disciplines such as transfer sciences, theory of knowledge and anthropology may give to enable a dialogue among cultures of science and the exchange of and about knowledge is also examined. To this end, fields of interaction are described and internet-platforms in the field of German Studies are shown with regard to their model function for international professional exchanges. The development of transcultural German Studies could be seen as a basis to allow young academics an easier access to scientific communication.