Web, Film, Medien, Computer – Wirklichkeit und Visionen der Informationsgesellschaft
Neue Medien und Technologien der Informationsgesellschaft Tagungsreihe Band 2010 / 7.–9. Juli 2010, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Editor: Klaus Rebensburg

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
The topics of the contributions are around technologies and impacts on media production, media consumption, media arts, games and mixed reality. We observe the influence of film and computer science on civil society, we talk about their consequences for digital film production and content distribution. We are fascinated by extended media use for everybody with new technologies, mobile devices – towards new digital cultures of communication, social networks and genres. Experts talk and write about Convergence of computer science, internet, media and arts in information society Browsing and navigation in a new, beautiful virtual world between real-picture navigation and Third Life Public sphere 2.0 – culture, arts, politics computer and digital media – and where is Germany? IPTV / 3-D film, digital technologies for innovative entertainment and business High definition towards 3-D, broadband profits and losses Digital film and games – better content for information society Give-and-take of knowledge in the new internet Broadband and mobile technologies, market moves Information society in a state of flux.