Eine biographisch-diagnostische Analyse ätiologischer Zusammenhänge am Beispiel Krebs

Format: 21,0 x 29,7 cm
Publishing year: 2010
The aim of this study was to explore the individual rules that guide behavior (regulative motivations, cf. Jüttemann 1991), which presumably determine part of a person’s identity. Based on the rule approach (Jüttemann 1987), an attempt was made to develop a diagnostic procedure for investigating the aetiological correlations of psychosomatic illnesses. Using cancer as an example, this method was used to determine potentially disease-relevant psychological factors. Based on the comparative casuistry, two detailed biographical interviews were compared. As a result, four criteria for the assessment of individual rules emerged, which are presumably relevant for the etiology: Level of cognition, rule character, rule orientation and rule handling.