Concepts for Energy Savings in the Housing Sector of Bodrum, Turkey: Computer based analysis and development of future settlements using renewable energy

Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2010
The main aim of this work will be to develop new architectural concepts for using renewable energy resources by evaluating the housing settlements in Bodrum, a characteristic city in the Aegean Region of Turkey, where the vernacular urban and architectural patterns provide useful hints for designing more sustainable environments. The energy consumption of the building variants, which have been chosen because of their characteristics, will be researched by using special computer software’s to develop suitable architectural measures that use renewable energy sources for actual and further conditions in that region. Furthermore, it will present a review of the present energy situation and assess sustainability, technical, and economical potential of renewable energy sources. The thesis will also offer future policies for the energy sector in Turkey. There is broad agreement that renewable energy should be encouraged in principle, but differing views exists as to how best to achieve this in practice. Therefore, with this regional study, new architectural concepts using renewable energy resources for reducing the energy requirements of Bodrums housing sector, which are met by fossil energy resources, will be developed. With this study, an assessment of potential, prospective targets for renewable energy in the region and recommendations for implementation will be prepared. Targets will be provided for the region as architectural measures, and key forms of renewable energy in terms of solar energy technologies. It is clear that the results and outputs of this study will form a contribution to the wider sustainable development context across the region and more widely across Turkey. This fits with the Government’s policy approach to sustainable development which envisages four overarching objectives for sustainable development as follows: Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment; Social progress which recognise the needs of everyone; Effective protection of the environment; and prudent use of natural resources.